
Thursday, September 26, 2013

All Eyes and Ears on Washington Politics

I'll first start by prefacing this post with the fact the I had planned to write this yesterday, but naturally, time got away from me and now here I am writing this post.
I'm not sure how many times I will say it this semester, warning- it will probably be quite a few, but I could not be in Washington at a more exciting time for politics.
Reporting on the Hill for the past few weeks has been such a thrill. Just yesterday I sat in the Senate Press Gallery as Sen. Ted Cruz, a Republican from Texas, finished an over 21 hour long speech. While his attempt at a so called 'filibuster' ended with Majority Leader Harry Reid calling it a "big waste of time," it was pretty amazing to see discussions actually happening on the Senate floor between parties on both sides of the aisle. Granted, all of the discussions have not led to much progress, it was a feat in itself for Cruz to try and make a point to his fellow members of Congress and to some Americans who were keeping up with his talk-a-thon.
Cruz began his speech on Tuesday afternoon at 2:41 p.m. and 21 hours and 19 minutes later, to be exact, he ended his speech, opening the floor for legislative business to begin on Wednesday morning.
For many Americans across the country the looming government shutdown and current gridlock of Congress is understandably frustrating, but when I put on my reporter cap and stand just feet away from the men and women who are dictating what goes on in our government it is exciting and thrilling. Whether you are on the left or right side of the aisle being involved in government is so important and this opportunity has opened my eyes to all things government. I've always been fascinated by happenings in Washington, but actually being here has allowed me to get a better handle on all things politics and the procedures in the House and Senate.
Here's to hoping that in one respect the battles on the Hill get resolved, but to also hoping that the complex dynamics of Washington continue to excite and educate!

1 comment:

  1. that is so cool that you got to report from the Hill! thrilling to say the least! so happy i found your blog. Hopefully you can swing by mine sometime =]

    xo, Kelsey Belle | Happie Reading Blog
