
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Tuesday Thoughts- How Not to be Alone

I came across this article, How Not to Be Alone, in the NYTimes Opinion section last week and have been meaning to share it with you all.  The author, Jonathan Safran Foer, begins the article by telling a story, but what really struck me was this line- "Technology celebrates connectedness, but encourages retreat." When the author was faced with a decision to intervene in a stranger's life and provide comfort to the stranger, he instead turned to his iPhone and found it easier to avoid human connection through the use of his technology. As we increase the use of technology everyday, always carrying our phones with us, the more distracted we become and the less we care. While the technology makes it easier to stay in touch, it also allow us to say less and feel less. The author of the article basically tries to get the point across that we need to remind ourselves to be more present, to be more aware of others and of our time and how we share it with friends, family etc. Foer concludes the article by writing, "Being attentive to the needs of others might not be the point of life, but it is the work of life." This article really struck a cord with me and was a good reminder to be more giving and caring for others and to never let someone else feel alone.

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